Recruiting Outsource

choose what we can offer your business

This option will be a good fit for you if

How this works


We start by analyzing your current recruiting needs and identifying areas where we can provide support, whether it's handling specific hiring tasks or managing your entire staffing process. Once we've agreed on the scope of work and terms, we sign the documents and get started with actual work


You get one or few people from our end, working closely with your team. Together, we establish a workflow based on a detailed action plan that outlines goals, KPIs, deadlines, key stakeholders, communication processes, and regular reviews. We also set up the tools for tracking the process and storing supporting information


After completing tasks, we collectively conduct a comprehensive review, evaluating intermediate results against the predefined goals and KPIs. This collaborative assessment helps to maintain transparency of our collaboration with you and plan adjustments as a part of our ongoing work


Based on the intermediate review, we refine our strategies and processes accordingly. For that matter, we plan changes, review them with you, and implement them in a scheduled manner. With this iterative approach, we ensure alignment with your emerging needs and continuous improvement from our side


Even if you decide to stop an active collaboration, we’ll be here to provide ongoing support as needed. Whether it involves additional help with the results of our prior work, addressing new recruiting challenges, or a situational consultation where we can provide advice, our team is ready to assist you


Fixed rate

which is calculated based on your hiring needs and the complexity of jobs


on a monthly basis

Helen Paradnik

a Chief Operations Officer


Hired a Head of E-commerce

Diana Hrankina

an Operations Person


Hired a UI/UX designer

Let’s discuss 
how we can help you find your people!